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Read More about Novelty ties ▲
There's something for everyone in our Soprano Novelty themed tie range. Traditionally made in quality printed twill and woven silk. Perfect for Father's Day, Christmas and any occasion, add humour and fun to your day with these exquisite novelty ties. Whether you are an animal lover, a sportsman or an armchair fan, make yourself or a friend smile with this beautiful gift today. Tie Size: 8.5cms wide x 148cms long
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Christmas Themed Red Woven Silk Tie
Stand Out And Celebrate Christmas by Wearing A Unique Fu..
£35.00 £10.95
Soprano Wine Bumble Bee Luxury Silk Tie
No Quibble 30 Day Returns Policy
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Wine Bumble Bee Luxury Silk Tie
No Quibble 30 Day Returns Policy
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Light Blue and Pink Boat Anchors on Navy Ground Silk Tie, Finest Quality Silk Men's Ties...
£40.00 £22.95
Pastel Blue Bumble Bee Luxury Silk Tie
No Quibble 30day Refunds
Soprano Quality Assured..
£40.00 £25.95
Sage Green Bumble Bee Luxury Silk Tie
Soprano Quality Assured, Accessories of the Highest..
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Navy And Blue Ships Anchor And Wheel Silk Tie, Finest Quality Silk Men's Ties.
Soprano ..
£40.00 £22.95
Soprano Stags Heads Purple Ground Country Silk Tie, The perfect addition to any discerning Gentle..
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Stags Heads On Brown Rust Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any disce..
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Stags Heads On Burgundy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discern..
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Jockeys And Horses On Purple Ground Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any disce..
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Jockeys And Horses On Green Ground Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discer..
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Sailing Boats on Blue Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Gen..
£35.00 £25.95
Soprano Sailing Boats on Red Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Gent..
£35.00 £25.95
Soprano Standing Male Pheasant on Gold Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any ..
£35.00 £25.95
Soprano Standing Male Pheasant on Green Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any disc..
£35.00 £25.95
Soprano Red Legged Partridge on Wine Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discern..
£35.00 £25.95
Soprano Fishing Flies On Red Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Gent..
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Fishing Flies On Country Green Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any disce..
£40.00 £25.95
Soprano Fishing Flies On Racing Green Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any d..
£40.00 £25.95
Multicoloured Butterflies on Pastel Blue Ground Luxury Silk Tie
Seven fold ties using only the ..
£60.00 £39.95
Multicoloured Butterflies on Navy Ground Luxury Silk Tie
Seven fold ties using only the mo..
£60.00 £39.95
Soprano Flock Of Sheep On Navy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Ge..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Funny Pigs On Navy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Gentle..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Black Sheep Of The Family On Blue Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any di..
£35.00 £22.95
Novelty Ties- Look good in these stylish novelty silk ties.
No Quibble 30 Day Refunds
Tie Siz..
£29.95 £18.20
Soprano Jousting Medieval Horses On Navy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any dis..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Navy with Multi Breed Of Cows Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Ge..
£35.00 £25.95
Soprano Cow Breeds On Red Ground Country Silk Tie, The Perfect Addition To Any Discerning Gentlem..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Pink and Sky Elephants On Navy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any disce..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Red Tractors On Country Green Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discer..
£35.00 £22.95
Quality Novelty Silk Ties,
No Quibble 30 Day Refunds
Hobby and special occassion themed ties...
£29.95 £22.95
Soprano Yellow Orange Sheep On Navy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerni..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Pink Pigs On Navy Blue Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Ge..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Racing Colours and Saddles On Pastel Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Grey Elephants On Navy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerni..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Racing Colours and Saddles On Navy Blue Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to ..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Final Furlong On Navy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Gen..
£35.00 £22.95
Soprano Different Cow Breeds Printed Men's Silk Tie On a Country Green Background, A great access..
£35.00 £25.95
Soprano Racing Jockeys Past The Post On Navy Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any..
£35.00 £22.95
Novelty Silk Ties, Look Good In These Stylish Novelty Silk Ties.
Cricket Themed Silk Tie, ..
£29.95 £22.95
Horse Racing Theme On Purple Ground Tie Cufflink Set In A lovely Gift Box With Lid..
£50.00 £32.95
Soprano Jockey Colours On Blue Ground Country Silk Tie, the perfect addition to any discerning Ge..
£40.00 £25.00